Frequently asked questions

The most common questions we get from our clients

Spray Tan Prep

Achieving a beautiful, long lasting spray tan requires 3 parts...

  • PreSpray prep. This is a very important step!
  • The quality of the spray tan solution and the spray tan artist
  • Following post spray after care


  • Schedule spray tan appointment for 24-48 hours before any events
  • Other beauty services waxing, nails, hair etc. should be done BEFORE your spray tan
  • Exfoliate 24 hours prior to your appointment using a loofah or rag. This will give your pores time to close. Exfoliating immediately before your spray tan could result in uneven color.
  • Shave at least 12 hours before. This will prevent the wax on your razor bar from leaving streaks.
  • Shower at least 4 hours before your appointment if you need to remove lotion, makeup or deodorant. No soap, exfoliating or shaving if you shower this close to your spray tan!
  • No moisturizers, lotions, oils or perfumes after your shower
  • Loose fitting clothes and shoes should be worn after your spray tan

Post Spray Care

  • Do not get wet or sweat before your initial rinse
  • Rinse after the allotted time. This will vary depending on the color level we choose and the solution we use. Make sure you get all the bronzer off using only water and your hands. No soap. Don't forget the back of your legs and arms. The #1 reason for streaks in not rinsing properly. You will see the bronzer coming off in the water. That is supposed to happen! Pat dry after your shower, don't rub!
  • You will feel lighter after your initial rinse. That is also normal. You have rinsed off the cosmeticß bronzer but your spray tan is still developing. You will reach full color 24 hours after your spray.
  • 12 Hours after your rinse you can apply lotion
  • To make your tan last longer... avoid Dove and Olay soap, always pat dry after showers, stay hydrated with water and lotion.

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